Transfer of finance technologies
We build competencies, implement solutions and set up business processes for the provision of innovative financial services in retail banking and retail.
About company
Competo is an innovative company working with retail banks and the retail business and helps individuals build a successful business in the field of financial services based on the latest financial and IT technologies.
Our competencies
The Competo team has expertise in all aspects of the retail banking business and its integration with retail.
Retail banking
Competo experts have over 10 years of experience in managing the retail business in a commercial bank. We know dozens of proven solutions to how to increase the profitability of consumer lending, provide self-funding, develop a card business and increase non-credit income in retail banking.
Information technologies
Competo's goal is to help businesses find new solutions and multiply profits by introducing innovative IT projects and tools. We specialize in CRM and Big Data projects, payment technologies and integration mechanisms of banks and retail companies.
Client analytics and CRM
Due to hands-on experience in retail banking, Competo specialists have expertise in managing customer data, customer loyalty, building CRM-models, increasing CLV, customer onboarding, and in building a business-oriented reporting and analytics system.
Retail sales
We have a good knowledge of building sales of retail banking products and managing them. Competo focuses on sales in the retail banking network, building an active sales channel, sales in remote service channels, online sales and B2B partner sales.
Retail marketing
Our core competencies lie in strategic marketing — segmentation of markets, business and product positioning, market research and analysis, digital marketing, branding and brand management, development of communication platforms and media strategies.
UX/CX design
More than 10 years of experience in creating and designing digital products allow us to successfully introduce product innovations at the crossing of finance and retail. The work is based on a deep analysis of user needs and creation of customer value.
Our services
We offer banks and retail companies services to develop business and maximize profits through the introduction of innovative financial and IT services. If you do not find the service you need, we are always ready to meet and discuss how we can
help you.
Product development
Development of financial and digital products from an idea to IT-implementation, including algorithms for product analytics and reporting, tariffing and legal framework.
Development of IT-strategies, design of IT-architectures and the introduction of IT-solutions for retail banks, digital financial and retail products.
Marketing and online sales
Market analysis and marketing strategy development. Market launch of new businesses and products. Introduction of digital marketing and online sales.
Multichannel sales
Setting up and managing a multi-channel sales system through an offline network, a team of active retailers, a partner channel, a contact center, online channels
Data Science CRM
Implementing customer base profitability management processes and building an effective CRM platform using the latest methods for big data analysis.
Remote business
Introduction of digital products and services, customer acquisition, sales and service in remote channels – websites, Internet and mobile services, contact center.
Competo has its own complete cycle IT development team. We do not just offer - we develop, implement and help monetize the proposed solutions.
How we work
  • Transfer of experience, knowledge, technologies
    The key value of innovative business today is at the crossing of industries. We develop new products by transferring knowledge, experience and technologies from the financial sector to retail and vice versa, enriching each of them and meeting the new needs of end-users who have not previously been satisfied.
  • Only bottom line
    Our goal is to solve the challenges facing the business. Therefore, the main work for us occurs at the stage of the implementation of a developed strategy and recommendations. We strive to achieve the set KPI together with our customers through direct participation in project work.
  • Honesty and realistic goals
    We share responsibility for the result by working with our clients, so we always talk about the prospects and risks of projects openly and honestly. For this purpose, we evaluate the market environment and the internal environment of the client's company according to the methods of Competo, practically proven by the real banking business.
Our projects
Competo's own fintech and digital projects and projects of our clients
Digital platform for personalized communication based on Big Data, AI, digital assistants
Our clients and partners

Baku White City, 25E, ave. November 8, Baku, Azerbaijan
Т: (+99412) 599 84 55
© All rights reserved. Competo LLC